Got some nice pictures you want to share?

Jun 25, 2024 09:57:05 AM Published in Send Promotional Pictures 125 Views.

We love seeing pictures of our products on customers' vehicles; it can also be great exposure for customers who keep their motor well and company branding when we post them on our website home page, social media channels, and annual calendar. In return, we can offer a 10% refund on the order (where applicable).

Requirements - 

  • A higher resolution with a minimum dimension of 1280 x 960 pixels.
  • A nice angle that complements the product as well as the vehicle it's fitted to.
  • A Bright shot, best achieved on a sunny day (TIP - Try to have the sunlight reflect on the item you are picturing).
  • A positive product review on the sales channel purchased from and a positive trust pilot review.

We would greatly appreciate it if you could also like our Facebook page ( and leave a positive review on it and on Trustpilot (